For 47 years the Portage Community Center has been the only human services organization in the City of Portage. We help Portage residents with emergency assistance, youth development as well as several hosted programs. It is our goal to Make Life Better for those in our community!

Chris Buckley
Executive Director

Liz Gunnett

Jeralee Kunkee
Emergency Assistance Coordinator

Kirk Lowis
Youth Development Manager

Dean Matthews
Youth Development Coordinator

Gloria Perkins

James Vallar

Larry Lowis
Please note our closing policy. If Western Michigan University or Kalamazoo Valley Community College close due to inclement weather, Portage Community Center will also be closed. This includes all hosted services, food pantry and clothing bar. All closing notifications will be broadcast on WWMT Channel 3.
Board of Directors
Mahsa Teachman
Vice President
Lissa Adams
Dave Jewell
Kurt Lentner
Past President
Board Members
Jennifer Alfieri
Sidney Bailey IV
Brian Ball
Jason Cape
Helen Driver
Loretta Dubray
Erica Eklov
Cia Frey
Erin Geschwendt
Josh Goodlock
Brian Kaufman
Jeff Porter
Collin Rosenbaum
Jim Spurr
Chris Stys
Craig VanDyke
Portage City Council Board Liaison
Jihan Young